Home Church Growth Planning an Unforgettable Easter Experience

Planning an Unforgettable Easter Experience

Planning an Unforgettable Easter Experience

As Easter approaches, it is in every church’s best interest to have an established Easter Service plan that will reach both believers and non-believers alike. Attendance soars during this season, making it a great opportunity to touch neighbors and communities with the good news. Here are three tips for planning an unforgettable Easter Service Experience.

Make the moment memorable.

Consider having a decorated area for families to take Easter pictures. Offer breakfast treats and drinks to share with the congregation before and after the service so that visitors are encouraged to stay and connect with members. Many churches plan Easter Egg Hunts and invite the community to join in the festivities. Easter is an exceptional opportunity for first-time visitors to experience the love of Jesus and the welcoming culture of the Church.

Ensure the significance is evident.

Though egg hunts and photography opportunities are great, it is important to remember the reason for the celebration. Prioritize offering a sermon that is transformational and impactful. Steer clear of repetitive messages. Instead, deliver a sermon that is fresh and relevant to the current cultural environment. Consider using visuals like videography to make an emotional impact. Send visitors and faithful members home with a memento such as a small wooden cross so that they can recall the significance of the Resurrection for weeks to come. Look for different approaches to create a sermon that is innovative while staying true to the message.

Make participation easy.

Over-communicate with church staff, leaders, and volunteers in the weeks leading up to the Easter service. Congregation members should be encouraged to invite friends, family, and neighbors. Start promoting the service on church and social media websites well in advance. Simplify your guest cards, making it easier for first-time visitors to access them on Easter Sunday. On that day, ensure that an abundance of volunteers and staff are spread out throughout the campus, ready to assist visitors and answer questions.  The sermon should use clear language that a first-time visitor can understand. Finally, have a plan in place to follow up with visitors through prayer request cards or hand-written invitations welcoming them back.

This Easter, focus on engaging your congregation in Holy Week while also creating a welcoming environment for newcomers who are seeking God. The ultimate checklist for a successful Easter service can help ensure that your church has a memorable and successful Easter service for visitors and members alike.


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