How Strong Leaders Build Mental and Emotional Well-being


It’s becoming increasingly apparent how important our mental and emotional well-being is. From leaders’ moral failures to the stories of leaders and pastors committing suicide, the focus has shifted from results to health.

Our mental health matters. Our emotional health matters. 

While we know this, we regularly ignore their importance. We look for ways to skirt around our mental and emotional health. We believe we can take care of it at some later time.

You can’t. And you won’t.

In fact, you might get to a point you can never take care of them. You’ll get to a point where you make the ultimate decision in your life.

I don’t want that to happen to you. I want you to live a vibrant, thriving life. I want you to be healthy and whole.

That’s why we have to talk about mental and emotional well-being.

How Strong Leaders Build Mental And Emotional Well-Being

We’ve been taught the wrong things regarding our mental and emotional well-being. Sayings such as sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me are more harmful than helpful. These pithy statements make us feel horrible when words hurt us. And words do hurt

The following actions are things strong leaders do to build strong mental and emotional well-being.

Build a strong support network:

I’d be lost without my support network. These are the men that I count on almost every Saturday to gather round, drink good drinks, and just be there for one another. 

I know I am safe there. They know they’re safe. 

More importantly, we know we have each other’s backs.

A strong support network increases your emotional and mental well-being because of the safety involved in the group. Sure, we crack jokes, but we also shoot each other prayer requests, life updates, and more.

If you don’t have a strong support network, begin building one today.

Use stress management techniques:

There are many different stress management techniques that you can use to improve your mental and emotional well-being. You may even practice some of these unintentionally.

Some forms of stress management can be:

  • Exercise
  • Times of meditation
  • Proper sleep
  • Prayer
  • Solitude

These techniques can help you handle high-pressure situations calmly and with composure.

Repeat appropriate affirmations:

Affirmations are statements you repeat about yourself or who you’re becoming. These statements remind you of who you are. 

Your emotional and mental states improve when you embrace positive affirmations for yourself. You find yourself speaking more positively, more encouraged, and ready to tackle the challenges in front of you.

You can find my recommended positive affirmations here.

Seek professional help when needed:

Professional mental and emotional help used to be taboo. Leaders would be maligned for seeking out the support of a psychologist or mental health specialist. Ezoic

Now, the stigma is almost gone. I’m hoping and praying that the stigma for professional help goes away in the church world as well.

There’s nothing wrong with reaching out to a professional counselor to seek help. These are men and women who are trained to walk you through the difficulties you’re facing. 

Become Emotionally And Mentally Strong As A Leader

When you embrace these practices, leaders can effectively build and maintain their mental and emotional well-being. Your journey impacts not only your personal life but enables you to bring out the best in your team members and family unit. Addressing the challenges of becoming mentally and emotionally strong will make you more resilient, adaptable, and more effective.

Strong leaders embrace the importance of their mental and emotional health. They understand their ability to lead is linked to their emotional and mental health just as much as it is to their physical health. Use the abovementioned techniques to improve all aspects of your health and progress toward success.