2023 Year-in-review


As we reflect on the past year at Vanderbloemen, we are humbled and grateful for the opportunity to serve our clients through executive search, succession, compensation, culture, and diversity consulting. Our commitment to excellence and dedication to matching exceptional talent with ministry organizations have been central to our mission.

In 2023, we continued our journey of impact, proudly serving 408 clients across the United States and internationally. These partnerships allowed us to delve deeper into understanding the unique needs of each organization we had the privilege to collaborate with. We are honored to have worked alongside such amazing clients, and we express our heartfelt gratitude for their trust in our services.

Here are a few clients we had the privilege of walking alongside this year as we searched for their next key staff member:

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One of the most fulfilling aspects of our work is witnessing the placement of talent in positions where they can flourish and make a meaningful difference. Throughout the year, we celebrated the placement of 159 outstanding candidates in various ministry organizations. Each placement represents not just a professional opportunity but a chance for these individuals to contribute their skills and passion to furthering the mission of these organizations and ultimately, the Kingdom.

Our recruiting team tirelessly engaged in the pursuit of finding the right fit for our clients, conducting 2,162 phone interviews. These conversations were instrumental in identifying exceptional candidates who align with the values and goals of the ministries we serve. The dedication and expertise of our team continues to be the cornerstone of our success.

Additionally, our team is passionate about providing resources that will help ministries grow farther, faster. Here are some of the top resources that we produced that the Vanderbloemen community couldn’t get enough of:

William Vanderbloemen’s new book: Be The Unicorn: 12 Data Driven Habits that Separate the Best Leaders From the Rest

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Want to stand out from the crowd? We have studied 30,000 top leaders and have discovered the 12 habits they share that make them as rare as a unicorn. Learn these habits, and you’ll be one of the best at whatever you do!

The Vander Index:

The Vander Index is a comprehensive assessment designed to evaluate your standing on the 12 data-driven traits of today’s high achievers. With over 80 questions in this survey, we can identify the survey taker’s strength in each trait and how they compare to the top performers.

Our top-performing blogs:

Our favorite podcast conversations:

Insightful videos from our YouTube (feat. William Vanderbloemen):

At Vanderbloemen, our passion for serving both clients and candidates within the Christian community remains unwavering. We thank everyone who has been a part of our journey so far and look forward to another impactful year together in 2024.