Serving Opens Hearts’ Doors


We all know that we’re living in an extremely dark time. That’s why, now more than ever, we have to shine—to do our part to open the doors to the hearts of those around us.

Last time, we talked about the first way to do this, and it’s through speaking the truth in love. We established that truth tells people what we’re for, and love tells them who they’re for (them). The second why to do this is by serving—by showing people the love of Jesus, not just telling them about it. The truth is that we need more than just the mouth to function in the Body of Christ. We need the hands to do their part, too.

That was something I had to really focus on when I was believing for my mom’s heart to be opened to God. Most people don’t know this, but I was kicked out of my house growing up. My family wasn’t supportive of my faith as all when I became a fully devoted follower of Christ as age 18. They just didn’t understand, nor were they accepting of the message I learned about Christ at a Bible-teaching church.

I knew that had to change if I wanted to see her again one day in Heaven. So I did these two things. I spoke the truth in love, never denying what I believed, but still loving her. Then, I served her. I wrote her a letter apologizing for things I had done wrong. I started doing things around the house without her having to ask me. I did whatever I could to make her life a little easier.

After leaving for college, I continued to pray and believe. One summer, I went to Uganda to preach. My mom was upset, because she didn’t understand. While I was there, I felt impressed to call and ask about my grandfather. Mom informed me that he had just gone into the hospital that day.

“Jimmy, how did you know that?” was her response.

“I’d been praying,” I replied.

A couple of weeks later, I felt led to call and ask about my sister and her husband. It seemed odd, as there had been no divorces in my family up to this point, but I did it anyway. Sure enough, my sister had gone to visit a lawyer that day to discuss divorce. Again, my mom was stunned. When I got home from my trip, Mom wouldn’t even let me take a nap before asking me to pray with her to receive Christ. I was so thankful!

But did this happen because I shoved the Gospel down her throat? No, It happened because I spoke the truth in love, and then I served her. I stayed true to my faith, believed against all odds and was obedient to God’s promptings of serving and caring for my family.

Friends, there are hearts all around us waiting to be opened to the love of our Father. It’ll happen if we’ll do our part!