The Power of Positive Thinking: How to Train Your Brain for Success


Positive thinking won’t allow you to do anything, but it will allow you to do everything better than negative thinking will… That’s a quote by the famous Zig Ziglar. He’s right.

You can’t do everything. However, if you have positive thinking, you can do everything you do better. That’s a goal every leader should strive for.

We want to be better, do better. Why not think better?

When we think positively, our minds and bodies begin to change. Science shows us that there are lower rates of depression when we are positive. Our ability to fight off sickness increases. We become better at problem-solving.

There’s a whole slew of reasons to think positively.

How to Train Your Brain for Success

We have to have strategies for cultivating a positive mindset. These strategies lay the groundwork for creating the atmosphere to think positively and act on those thoughts.

The first thing we have to do to train our brains for success is to identify and challenge negative thought patterns.

You know those thought patterns… The ones that tell you you’re not good enough, no one loves you, or you are just a screw-up. These are negative thought patterns.

And they’re killing you.

Learn to identify when your thoughts are skewing toward the negative. This is step one in training your brain for success and positivity.

The second thing you have to do is to practice gratitude and positive affirmations.

Your mind is like a garden. You have to notice the weeds (the bad, negative thoughts). Once you’ve identified them, you have to weed the garden of your mind of the weeds.

That was step one. The next step you have to take is to practice gratitude and positive affirmations. These are a bit trickier as they require you to be intentional.

To practice gratitude, you can:

  • Write thank you notes
  • Think about a person and why you appreciate them
  • Meditate on a moment when you were genuinely grateful
  • Keep a thankfulness journal

To practice positive affirmations, you can:

Doing these two things will help you build your brain into a positivity machine.

The third thing to do is to set achievable goals and celebrate your wins!

I’m not the best at setting goals, but I know the power of setting goals, especially achievable goals. That’s one of the reasons I struggle with setting goals. I tend to set goals that are impossible to achieve or maintain. This puts me in a negative mindset.

Yet, I get excited when I find achievable goals and set them. I find ways to accomplish the goals before me. I arrange my day around getting to those goals.

Then, after accomplishing the achievable goals I set, I celebrate. Sometimes, it’s a treat from my favorite candy store or chocolate place. Other times, it’s a break from the grind. I allow myself time to rest and recover.

Know that to train your brain to be positive; you have to set goals and celebrate your wins. When you do, your brain begins to respond positively. Your thinking becomes more positive. And you become a more positive person.

The Power of a Positive Attitude in Action

Who are some of the positive people in your life? Think about them… What do they do? How do they respond to situations? It’s different from you, especially if you’re not a positive person.

Maybe you don’t have any examples of positive people in your life. That’s okay. You can look at those online or throughout history to find examples.

Here are a few examples of positive attitudes that will change your mind!

  • Oprah Winfrey is known for her positive attitude and ability to inspire others. She is a television host, actress, and philanthropist who has always tried to focus on the good in life, even in the face of adversity.
  • Mahatma Gandhi was a leader in India’s non-violent independence movement, and he is known for his positive attitude and ability to inspire change through peaceful means. He believed that love and non-violence were the most powerful forces for positive change in the world.
  • J.K. Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter series, and she has a positive attitude despite facing many challenges in her life. She struggled with poverty and depression before becoming a successful author, but she never gave up on her dreams and remained optimistic about the future.
  • Tony Robbins is a motivational speaker and personal development coach known for his positive attitude and ability to inspire others. He has helped millions of people overcome their challenges and achieve their goals, and he believes that a positive attitude is the key to success.
  • Nelson Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary and politician who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He is known for his positive attitude and ability to inspire others through his words and actions. Despite facing years of imprisonment and injustice, he remained optimistic about the future and the possibility for change.

Look to these men and women to see positive attitudes in action and how they and the world around them were changed. Your attitude matters. Keep that attitude positive!

Stay Positive!

You’ve read what positive attitudes have done for people such as Oprah Winfrey, J.K. Rowling, and others. Their positive attitudes changed not only their world but the world around them.

Your positive mindset will help you change your world and the world around you. Remember, a positive attitude will increase your health, reduce sickness, and keep you in a better mood. Keeping your mindset positive will also help you get through those complicated problems you’re facing in the office or at your remote work location.

Challenge yourself today to train your brain for success and to be more positive. Take the steps above, implement them in your life, and become the positive person you’ve always longed to be.