Church Planting In the Urban Inner City


Written by: Deon Archer 

Deon planted Redeeming Word Community Church in Humble, Texas. Prior to church planting, he spent 17 years serving in multiple capacities at another local church. He is passionate about planting churches in the urban inner city. Deon has a bachelor’s degree in Bible counseling and is working on a master of divinity from Grace School of Theology. Deon is also a member of the Houston Church Planters Network.

This following content was originally published on Acts 29’s website, linked HERE.

Editor’s Note: If you’ve been blessed by this content, please consider giving to support the mission of Acts 29.

I grew up on the northeast side of Houston in the inner city. My childhood was difficult; I didn’t have a good relationship with my father and struggled with anxiety and depression from a young age. I spent many years seeking approval in all the wrong places until, by the grace of God, a woman named Alberta Liggins invited me to church. Her invitation led me to a new life found in Christ, and a new family found in the church. 

For years, I served in different ministry roles in my local church. But my heart was bent toward inner-city church planting. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I was introduced to Acts 29. The diverse community of healthy, multiplying churches was unique and inspiring to me. I always grew up feeling like an anomaly, but immediately the Acts 29 Network felt like home. We’re united in the gospel and in a shared mission for planting churches, particularly in the urban inner city.

Meeting the Needs of a Diverse Community

In 2019, we planted Redeeming Word Community Church in Humble, Texas. We had no core team and very little funding, but we knew this area desperately needed the good news of Jesus. The city of Humble is located in the Houston metropolitan area and has one of the highest crime rates in America. It’s very diverse here—like a little picture of the city of Houston. Ministry is challenging in Humble because most people live under a lower socioeconomic status or work blue-collar jobs with crazy schedules. 

I always grew up feeling like an anomaly, but immediately the Acts 29 Network felt like home. CLICK TO TWEET

One of the greatest needs in this community is family. Nearly 40 percent of families in Humble are broken. Children are being raised by their grandparents. Every school in the area has about 90 percent of kids enrolled in a free lunch program. Humble is under-resourced in many ways, and we hope to alleviate part of that struggle with our work in the community.

A Vision for Urban Church Planting

Our church truly comes from humble beginnings. But with the help of Acts 29’s church plant funding initiative, we’re not lacking in resources or support. We’ve grown in size and celebrated nearly 20 baptisms since 2019! We recently hired a part-time kids ministry staff member to help with family discipleship. Acts 29 funding also helps us feed and clothe the homeless in our city. We’re able to give water to those who are thirsty. We’re reaching people by meeting these basic needs—and doing it all in the name of Christ. 

I get to be a visible illustration to kids and families of what it looks like to live differently. My childhood didn’t define me, Christ does, and I seek to share that with all who will listen. CLICK TO TWEET

Our vision is to plant neighborhood community churches in the urban areas of northeast Harris county, just outside of Houston. There are people here in great need of hearing the gospel; they are suffering in ways only Christ can heal. I know this first-hand. I grew up only 15 minutes away from Humble and struggled in many of the same ways I see our kids struggling today. God redeemed me and my story. I get to be a visible illustration to kids and families of what it looks like to live differently. My childhood didn’t define me, Christ does, and I seek to share that with all who will listen.