Maintain the Unity


Written by: One Mokgatle on November 15, 2022

One, his wife Confidence, and their two daughters live in Pretoria, South Africa. They planted Rooted Fellowship in 2015, a gospel-centered, disciple-making, transcultural church. One is currently the lead pastor. He also serves as the regional director for Sub-Saharan Africa for Acts 29.

This following content was originally published on Acts 29’s website, linked HERE.

When we feel pressured to produce quick wins in our pursuit of unity, we risk establishing communities of faith built on a façade of unity. The world doesn’t need more of these, and God isn’t glorified by our counterfeit attempts. Only one thing can bring people from all walks of life together into a loving family. This session will remind us of that one thing.

Watch One Mokgatle’s 2022 North America Conference session below.