Link Love – the People I Read


Over the last six months, some people have sent me some link-love…references to my site on theirs.  Moving into the blogosphere six months ago myself, I’ve learned a lot from a lot of people. 

Here are some (not all) of the people I read and learn from:

  • Jay Hardwick is a friend a church planter in Colombia SC who is challenging to read, learn from and be entertained by.  Jay, more than anyone, helped me get this blogging thing figured out when I started getting into it (you probably didn’t know that Jay!)
  • Casey Ross is on my daily read list.  Casey the very wise, smart and very insightful lead pastor at Catalyst Church in Greenville SC and a brother in the North Point strategic partner world.  (Jay and Casey used to work together.)
  • Chris Brown is another leader from North Point world.  I learn a lot from Chris, and think he does an outstanding job leading North Ridge church in Charlotte.  Bet you do too.
  • Gary Lamb is a church planter in the southern U.S. who is engaging to track with…I love his wide-ranging mind-dumps and insights.
  • Pat Dryburgh is a bright young leader who has a ton going for him. In our time together at Connexus, I was always challenged and motivated by this guy’s gifts and insights.  We continue to track together.
  • Patrick Voo is another guy I’ve worked with who was nudged into church planting by this crazy call-of-God thing.  He always makes me think outside of where I’m thinking, and only the Vooman would call his blog the voodoo lounge.
  • Chris Vacher is just down the road from us here in Ontario. He is the worship pastor at Orangeville Baptist (Orangeville, Reggie?) and been a big encourager.  I’m excited about what God is doing through them, and frankly, just grateful to find more like-minded Canadian church leaders.  His blog is ChrisfromCanada.
  • I love Bryn McPhail.  Bryn and I spent time together in my former denomination, and he’s a guy who’s making a brave and prayerful shift in how he does ministry.  He’s one of the smartest guys I’ve ever met when it comes to solid Reformed theology and church history (seriously), but as a leader he’s come to the realization that to make it work in this day and age, the church needs to get relevant and engage the lost.  Bryn’s blogging his transition.
  • Steven Furtick is a crazy, over the top, God-must-be-using him leader I’ve been tracking for about 18 months.  He has led the 2 year old Elevation Church to amazing heights.

Who are you reading these days and how do they shape you?