Getting to Know You: Q&a Time with Jill Freeze


Question One: Favorite hobby?
Golf—I walk 9 holes almost every day and try to play a round of 18 holes at least once a week.

Question Two: What is your favorite dish to prepare, and what is your favorite food to eat?
 My favorite dish to prepare would be Filipino Kabobs, and my favorite food to eat is crab legs.

Question Three: How long have you been married? What are two valuable lessons you have learned about marriage, that you would entrust to others today?
We have been married thirty years. Honest, open communication is key. Also, practice giving grace to each other; forgive and move forward.

Question Four: How has your husband impacted your life?
My walk with Jesus is deeper and far greater than it ever would’ve been because of the influence my husband has had in my life.

Question Five: How many kids do you have and what are their ages?
We have three daughters ages 23, 22, and 19.

Question Six: If you could say one thing today, as relates to children, what would you say?
Pray about everything and pray a LOT!! Your prayers are eternal, so leave a huge legacy of prayer for your children.

Question Seven: James 5:16 states, “Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” Jill, we are told in God’s Word of the importance of prayer. If someone were to say to you today, “I want to stop praying—I don’t see anything happening,” what would you say to encourage that individual as relates to prayer?
God is always working for the good of His children and for His glory. Even when it doesn’t look or feel like He is working, He is—He always is—keep trusting, keep praying, and ask God to help you with your unbelief.

Question Eight: If you were given 60 seconds to address the Nation on prayer, what would be the most important thing you would say?
The focus of our prayer should not be what we want from Him; instead, it should he about God Himself—His greatness, His love, His faithfulness.

Question Nine: If you could say anything to your 21-year-old self today, what would it be?
Let yourself feel, especially the hard feelings of hurt, rejection, and disappointment. You are not protecting yourself by shutting down your feelings, you’re actually hurting yourself worse, because you will miss out on so much more than you realize.

Question Ten: What advice would you pass on today as relates to the importance of family?
Always tell each other the truth and spend quality time together having fun. The memories matter more than the material things.

Question Eleven: If you were given permission to speak, one-on-one, with the Queen of England, what question would you most want to ask her?
Have you asked Jesus to be your Lord and Savior? Does Jesus rule over your heart and life?

Question Twelve: If you could be a spokesman for the next six months on any issue, what matter would you choose?
The power of prayer.

Question Thirteen: What area of ministry do you most enjoy within the local church/and or within the community and why?
Women’s Bible study—there’s nothing like studying God’s Word together. Iron sharpens iron.

Question Fourteen: Let’s talk legacy. How do you want most to be remembered by your family, your friends, and your peers?
I want to be remembered as a woman of prayer, forgiveness, and that I served them well.

Question Fifteen: How has Jesus changed your life?
He has changed my eternity! Because of Jesus, I now have eternal life instead of eternal death, I am completely redeemed, and I get to experience His presence, peace, and power here and now.