Love That Brings Us Together


Do you find yourself desiring more out of your relationships? More love? More peace? More fulfillment? If so, what you’re probably missing out on is unity.

Building unity is a lot like the scientific process of fusion— combining two completely different elements into a new union. A proper pursuit of fusion in our relationships will not only bring us closer to those we love, but it will also create something new and more beautiful than we could’ve imagined.

Of course, living with this type of unity is always much easier to say than to do. At least it was for me! When I was a kid, I used to run to my mother and tell her about all the things my siblings were doing wrong. One day, she got tired of it and responded with, “Jim, when you point at someone else, just remember you have three fingers pointing back at yourself!”

It really is true that living in unity is better than living to point out everyone’s faults. But even if we decide to live in unity, how do we convince those we’re joining with to do the same? By living in love. But not just any love—the God-type of love.

Colossians 3:14 says, “And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.”

If we want to attract others to this lifestyle of fusion, we’ve got to love people the way God does. We’ve got to love them for their own sake, not for our own.

There’s just something about this God-love that brings people together. It’s what got the disciples to leave what they were doing and follow Jesus, and it’s what causes masses of people to gather in churches on a weekly basis. God’s love builds the type of unity our hearts desire.

You might be thinking, “But this person doesn’t show me love! So why should I show them love?”

1 John 4:19 answers that. It says that we are to love because He first loved us.

The most powerful thing we can do in the midst of frustration is to love people in spite of the fact that they don’t love us well. They might not understand it at first, but I guarantee you that they will notice it. Little by little, they will begin to see God’s love through you, and eventually it will leave a lasting impression.

So will you try living with this God-love? If you do, I guarantee that your life will take a turn for the better. Not only will your relationships become more fulfilling than you could ever imagine, but you could also transform the future of your family for years to come.

Together, let’s infuse our environments with the love of God. Let’s make living in unity our first priority. The rewards are way past worth it!