Are You Stuck?


Stuck in fear, bondage, insecurity, rejection, depression, unforgiveness, or anything else?

If so ask yourself these identifying questions.

·      How do you see yourself, is it the way God sees you?
·      Do you worry about tomorrow?
·      Do you have a difficult time forgiving others?
·      Are you quick to anger or are you slow tempered?
·      Do you let others in easily or do you isolate yourself?

There are many ways we get stuck in life. It may be that your heart has grown cold and you’ve fallen into a religious state instead of a loving, alive relationship with Jesus. I like to say, “life happens.” I not only had a horrible gripping bondage of fear but lost my first love as well. Losing your first love causes you to be stuck. I prayed for God to “give me back my first love” for Him for two years. He did and, when He did, it was a fiery, passionate love that I have held onto since 1988! It’s been 28 years since that happened and my love is still white hot today! In fact, it was that passion for Jesus that revealed to me my bondage of fear, insecurity, and rejection. This is the story of my years of being bound in fear and stuck in apathy. But it’s also the story of my victorious journeys’ result. On February 17, 1991 God gloriously set me free from fear. No matter what your age, I guarantee you it’s never too late to receive your freedom. You, as a son or daughter of God, have a loving and powerful Father. He loves you so much that He sent His only son Jesus to be tortured and die a cruel death just so you can be free. Why live bound or stuck? My message to the world and the Body of Christ is that victory and freedom are already paid for you. Our enemy has tried to put up a road block to our destiny. But God, with His Mighty Hand of deliverance and out stretched arms of love, is going to get you unstuck. I’m believing that God will use my story to ignite your faith and catapult you into a journey of victory and freedom.

John 8:32 (AMPC) says, “And you will KNOW THE TRUTH, and the truth will set you free.”

It is the truth you know, understand, and apply that sets you free. TRUTH UNKNOWN AND UNAPPLIED IN SCRIPTURE BRINGS YOU NO FREEDOM. Jesus is the only way to salvation and freedom.


This is the story of my life. I was a southern girl who was raised Baptist. I always had a heart for God and received him as my Savior at the age of eight. But for as long as I can remember, I was fearful, insecure, and felt rejected. The fear was gripping, debilitating, and paralyzing. The devil wanted to oppress every part of my life. Fear became a stronghold in my life early on. As a young child, I had the fear of public speaking, being the center of attention, dentists, elevators, heights, horses, big dogs, and fear of adults or authority figures. As I grew up, I learned what to stay away from. I would shrink back from situations that made me afraid. Little did I know that I was doing exactly what the enemy wanted. I had always hated being the center of attention. Therefore, I couldn’t enjoy my own birthday parties and walking down the aisle at my wedding turned out to be terrifying. I had a generational curse.