I Want to Be the Pastor on the Bridge


Every time I read a book or watch a movie about the 1960’s I ask myself, which group of white people would I have found myself amongst if I were an adult through the Civil Rights Movement?

  • Those who were vocally opposed to the movement because of their own overt white supremacy and privileged way of life?
  • Those who joined in, like the Pastor who walked next to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. across the bridge in Selma?
  • Those who were quiet but really wished that people like Dr. King and others who were “causing trouble and division” would just be quiet?

I’d want to be on that bridge.

I’d want my kids to know that I was on that bridge.

I’d want my black brothers and sisters to know I was standing up and marching with them.

The death of George Floyd migh very well mark a tipping point into a new civil rights movement that shouts that “black lives matter.” The movement of the 60’s and 70’s showed us all how wrong overt white supremacy is. This new movement will expose the evil of systemic racism and injustice.

I’m a solidly convinced pro-life Christ follower who believes that all lives bear the image of God and that all lives won’t matter until we’re all convinced that black lives matter.

You can disagree. You can divert your attention with whataboutisms and outright denials. You can wish people would just shut up, stay home, and stop causing trouble and division.

I’ll still love you. I’ll still see the image of God in you. And in 30 years we and our children will know which was the right side of this movement upon which we should have stood.

As for me, I’m going all in on standing by the most vulnerable, not the most powerful.