Every Good Gift You’ve Ever Known


Life is a gift. And life is filled with gifts. Every sweet breath on a pretty day, every drop of rain on parched ground, and every moment we spend enjoying the company of a loved one.

But from whom? Every gift has a giver and the Apostle James tells us who that Giver is:

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the 
heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
~ James 1:17 NIV

Most of us wrestle with our understanding of God but the Bible is very clear about this one fact: God is a giver.

For years, while living in central Arkansas, I would drive over the Arkansas River. It wasn’t until I was older that I took a trip to Colorado and saw for the first time the Arkansas River headwaters. What was a rushing mighty river downstream had started as pools of crystal clear water collecting from the rain and melting snow of the Rocky Mountains.

We enjoy God’s good gifts every day of our lives. And one of life’s most rewarding experiences comes when we trace those gifts back to their source and discover the love of a very good heavenly Father.