3 Systems That Propel Leaders to the Next Level (systems Series – Pt 3)


What is one big tension you’re currently facing on your team?

Take a second and visualize it. 

Feel the frustration. 

Re-tell yourself the story you’ve been repeating about it.

What would solve your problem?

Many of the tensions we seem to think are people tensions, are actually system tensions. Create a system for this tension, and the people and teams tend to perform more effectively.

This week I’m helping you take advantage of this quarantined time by getting better at your systems so your organization can reemerge from the COVID-19 Crisis stronger.

You can access the previous entries in the Systems Series

Today, I’m giving you three systems resources that can move your team forward and propel you to the next level.

1. Elevate productivity by creating this system allowing your team to Set Goals That Stick.

2. Evaluate your health, team and organization systemically with this free download: 3 Questions Healthy Leaders Ask

3. Take your personal and organizational impact to the next level with COACHING.

Coaching is a system providing consistent feedback, permission and perspective. Every leader needs a coach because every leader needs a system of self-leadership, growth and structure. 

Our coaches are equipped to help you implement the right processes to experience healthy, scalable growth. 

In the midst of the COVID-19 Crisis, we’ve created a 90 day coaching intensive to move you forward faster. 

Get started by scheduling a free 30 minute coaching call and speak with a coach today.