30 Day Crisis Response Coaching


With the corona-virus crisis, the whirlwind of day-to-day ministry changed. The physical suffering many are experiencing, the economic uncertainty, isolation and anxiety the rest of us are experiencing—it’s taking a toll.

Pastors are telling us they, too, feel anxious and uncertain about how to weather this crisis as a leader, as a team, and as a church family. We are in brand new territory, and we all need help wisely discerning the way forward.

You’re not alone.

My team has been working hard to get the best resources available to you in these unique times, but this is the one I’m most excited about.

I’d argue it’s helpful to have a skilled, objective outsider to help you facilitate decision-making around critical issues all of the time, but particularly in times of crisis when decisions need to be made more quickly, and the stakes are often higher.

That’s why I’m excited tell you about our 30 Day Crisis Response Coaching

We can provide a coach to ask you the right questions, help you cut through the clutter, and guide you towards clarity around what’s important NOW.

With a coach, you will build:

  • A clear plan for financial health (budget review, cost reduction, giving strategies)
  • A clear plan for staffing strength (redeployment and/or reductions, compensation changes, new hire analysis)
  • A clear plan for the weekend experience (online technology and engagement)

Sign up to work with a coach from The Unstuck Group for the next 30 days, and get started as soon as you’d like.

Or, start a conversation with a member of our team to learn more.

We know you’re probably exhausted and overwhelmed. 

Let us support and equip you to tackle the immediate challenges of the crisis, and look for opportunities to propel you forward after it’s over.

Sign up now and get started immediately.